Free shipping on all orders. Boxes ship the 10th of every other month. Easy option to give as a gift during checkout!
Frequently Asked Questions
How will your box be delivered?
When we send you a box, we will send it to you via USPS.
When will your first box arrive?
Your box will arrive around the 10th of every other month, for example, April 10th, June 10th, and so on. Orders recieved by March 31 will recieve the April box.
Can I send this as a gift?
After you enter your email address during checkout and click continue, you can click to mark your order a gift. This will allow you to enter a different name, address, and include a gift message.
Where is Hero & Her available?
Hero & Her is available in all 50 U.S. states.
Can you cancel anytime?
Yes. The subscription options can be cancelled at any time.
This is an interesting concept! How can I help?
Thanks! We are always interested in brand ambassadors, partnering with social media influencers and sharing more about our story. If this is you, please email us at
Have questions or need help?
Email us at
What if I need to change or cancel my order?
Please contact us at as soon as possible if you would like to change or cancel your order. We'll do our best to address your request ASAP.
What if I need to change my shipping address?
Yes, no problem, email us at with your change.
Where can I lean more about the important of emotional develoment in young women? Where did you get some of these stats?
There are lots of great resources, some of our favorites, and where we got the statistics on this webage, are from the National Institutes of Health (link, link)